Author: Still Thinking

How do “i” find God?

What is the “i”? If we search for ‘i’, we will do so with the mental framework built on our social framework – a pre-configured filter through which we assess all sensory input. Even a single image involves an immense stack of preconceptions and inumerable forms of bias. Simple points like colours can hold different significance depending upon your environmental and…


What is the “cost” of maintaining a society?

Broad discussion on community costs, services and taxes is often polarised into two distinct schools of thought. “Property is theft” (Proudhon)   “Private ownership is fundamental to individual freedom” (comment seen posted on a website forum) Perhaps it is time to bring some thinking to the table that is not too strongly aligned with either? What sort of society would…


Religious Freedom – At What Cost?″>Pat

There is a lot of controversy over a proposal to build a “mosque” in New York city near the site of the September 2001 New York Trade Centre bombing. If ever there was an argument fraught with opportunity for narrow-minded and partisan thinking then this is it. It involves religion, nationalist pride and hubris, international power plays, sound-bite argument and opinions…
