Beware the demagogue Oh yes my friend, you should beware the demagogue in our midst. Is that statement a little too self-evident? Why the emphasis on what amounts to a stock-standard character in any developed world society? A demagogue should be overtly and starkly obvious to even the most cursory investigation so why am i being so tedious? For this…
Tag: political systems

Radical Policy Change
Radical policy change can be a reflection of ignorance or arrogance and a disappointment with a minor aspect of society. This post looks at just one example.

If a protester demands “equality”, what are they actually asking for? Can they clearly elucidate, not just outcomes but concise preferences without descending into a mire of conflicting and conflicted wants? Let’s ponder (In)Equality…

The Lunatics are running The Asylum – Part I
Have you ever been through one of those days where everything is so hectic, so time-constrained, that one event merges into the other until at the end of the day you cannot even remember all that you have done? And then you look down and notice that your skirt was tucked into you panties, exposing your butt cheek to all…

Justice – A Philosophical Conundrum Justice. Sounds so damn easy… This is going to take a while, so probably best that you go pour yourself a very large container of a favourite beverage – maybe grab a snack or two – and settle down for a while to ponder the idea of Justice. Like Descartes, we are going to start…