Anarchy in the United State of America is most often found in the form of “Libertarianism”. That word may not actually exist but the fact that i have written it provides a historical basis for fact and a precedent that can be used as a (rather insipid) excuse for building a bigger statement of fact… Stay with me, i am…
Tag: anarchy
The great conundrum of the Anarchy movement
The ideals of Anarchy are basically the ideals of Humanity : To provide an environment that caters for the need for individual expression To provide an environment free from oppression by institutional power groups To allow each person to enjoy the benefits of their working activities The conundrum is that each person IS an individual. We all have differing wants…
A brief ponder on ‘anarchy’…
For those wanting to gain an insight to the idea of anarchy, a great place to start is Peter Marshall’s book ‘Demanding the Impossible’ (2008, Harper Perennial, London). This tome is very easy to read and quite beautifully organised into easily digested components. Why do I start with a reference to something that most people will not take the time to…
Apathy in Action
Politics and religion. If there ever was a recipe for friction and dissent, these two would be at the top of the ingredients list. Children and education would have to come a close third. So what happens when you have a major city split down religious lines, about to cast votes in a political contest to see just how religion…
The War on Tokenism
i truly am really, really sorry. Not for the things i have done so much as for the things that i have not done. Not for a lack of understanding of issues that surround me so much as a lack of desire to act on any of those issues. and maybe for being content to sit by and watch others…