Broad discussion on community costs, services and taxes is often polarised into two distinct schools of thought. “Property is theft” (Proudhon) “Private ownership is fundamental to individual freedom” (comment seen posted on a website forum) Perhaps it is time to bring some thinking to the table that is not too strongly aligned with either? What sort of society would…
Tag: libertarian
Billionaires and Philanthropy, Death and Taxes
What is the financial cost of existing in a society? Is there a limit to what that cost can or should be? Is there a point at which you have paid ‘enough’? There are social costs that are either more or less obvious, such as a requirement to comply with laws, statutes, and regulations. There are unwritten social laws that…
Do Libertarians really understand their position?
Anarchy in the United State of America is most often found in the form of “Libertarianism”. That word may not actually exist but the fact that i have written it provides a historical basis for fact and a precedent that can be used as a (rather insipid) excuse for building a bigger statement of fact… Stay with me, i am…