A human being may bequeath to progeny their money, their property, titles, debts and rights. But there is more to it than that, isn’t there? We humans also pass on our genes, our attitudes, our beliefs and our cultural traditions. Unlike property, this is not a single and direct transfer that takes place at death. It is a continuous two-way…
Tag: hegemonic power

Still Thinking about… the demagogue
Beware the demagogue Oh yes my friend, you should beware the demagogue in our midst. Is that statement a little too self-evident? Why the emphasis on what amounts to a stock-standard character in any developed world society? A demagogue should be overtly and starkly obvious to even the most cursory investigation so why am i being so tedious? For this…

All about me
This note is all about the me that we are. Not the me that we think we are or the me that we are told we should or could be. Just the me that sits behind the i and helps delineate you from everyone else. Descartes suggested that the process of thinking helps confirm that i exist, that i…

Mainstream media fails again
The latest post attempted to provide a framework for assessing the role of mainstream media in setting the world-view of the individual. It also provided a vague example by looking at the standard reporting of events relating to the unravelling European “Debt Crisis”. However, the world we inhabit is not the full-stop at the end of history’s sentence. Hence within…

Despair – A deviation into mainstream OK. Let’s agree in advance that this is going to be a non-linear dissertation on our world-view as it is influenced by mainstream media. If you persist to the end, please add your comment, even if only to assist me in coalescing this ramble into a coherent thought. If mainstream media is a reflection of the…